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About ECWT

The European Centre for Women and Technology is a non-profit organization based on a multi-stakeholder partnership (MSP), Registration Nr.: 992 958 863.  

The ECWT carries out its activities based on a Global Framework  guiding the work of the ten regional centres globally and enabling measurable global impact. 

The Global Framework supports the work of the centres through

Five Key Tools:

1.Policy and actions
2.Research and impact metrics
3.Resource and services development
4.Dissemination and communication
5.Context and culture

in Four Focus Areas:


The ECWT strategy is implemented through the ECWT National Point of Contacts (N-PoCs) in EU Member States and wider Europe.

N-PoCs function in every country as a national multi-stakeholder partnership to ensure women's full participation in and contribution to the knowledge-based economy and implementation of the Digital Agenda and the Europe 2020 Strategy.

The work of ECWT is lead by an Executive Group responsible for the operational activity and a High-level Advisory Committee functioning as a knowledge pool for support. Both the Executive Group and the High-Level Advisory Committee is built on multi-stakeholder representation and have documented experience in working with women and technology and/or innovation issues.



The Secretariat of the ECWT is at Papirbredden Innovasjon AS (PI), a regional innovation centre in Drammen, Norway.

PI has played a key role in launching the European Centre through hosting the kick-off meeting in 2008 and co-financing the ECWT until 2011.

Since 2010 there are three Working Groups assisting the work of the Executive group:
• Working group for services - led by Maria Sangiuliano, Italy
• Working group for finances - led by Nancy Brito, Portugal
• Working group for networking, branding and communication - led by Malgorzata, Kalinowska - Iszkowska, Poland

The Director of the European Centre is since the 1st of October 2008 Chair of the Global Women and Technology (GWT) Network.



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