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ECWT is 2011-2012 involved in European Women Interactive Learning - EWIL,  a Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project (2010-1-IT2-GRU06-13978-7), together with organisations from Italy (Lead Partner), France, Greece, Hungary and Turkey:
 -  Consulmarc Sviluppo (IT)
 -  Life Long Reasearch Institute (EL)
 -  Lifelong Learning Hungary Foundation (HU)
 -  Centre de Conservation du Livre (FR)
 -  Gaziantep Provincial Education Directorate (TR)
 -  European Centre for Women and Technology (NO).

The GENERAL OBJECTIVE of the partnership is to discuss learning methods based on ICT tools in order to identify ways to increase women participation in adult learning, with focus on interactive learning.


•To identify ICT based methods and tools to MOTIVATE and STIMULATE women to learn in different non-formal learning contexts,
•To provide women with a PRACTICAL LEARNING EXPERIENCE based on interactive ICT, to be tested on a group of women for acquisition of competences in the cultural field,
•To DISSEMINATE THE EXPERIENCE to a wider audience to create more learning opportunities focused on public spaces.

•women have little time to progress with their education, especially after they have formed a family
•women therefore need more effective methodologies of non-formal education
•to be stimulated to acquire new knowledge and skills also with possible results in employability

To achieve its general and specific objectives, the project will:

1.Organise MEETINGS BETWEEN PARTNERS to share best practices and competences for the identification of the abovementioned methods and tools,
2.Create a PILOT LEARNING EXPERIENCE combining ICT tools for human-computer interaction (including Interactive Multimedia Technologies and Social Networks), learning methods, specific contents as a learning toolset to motivate and to be easily used by women for learning purposes within the cultural/tourism field (with even a potential impact on their employability in these sectors).


To find out more: EWIL-website:

The 3rd EWIL-partnermeeting will take place in Drammen, the 14-16 September 2011.





ECWT DeskNow
Tech news Now!
From The Community