Sunday, September 15, 2024
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During spring 2010 the first e-Skills Week was organized with the support of the Commission's DG Enterprise and Industry and under the leadership of European Schoolnet and Digital Europe.
The European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT) participated as sub-contractor to European Schoolnet and with the basic aim to raise awareness around the growing importance of getting more women into the ICT and related sectors.
Several member oirganizations of the ECWT played a key role in the national e-Skills Week events:
Belgium - JUMP the Belgian N-PoC of ECWT was co-organizer of the final conference of the whole e-Skills Week in Brussels at the Square, the 5 March 2010 ECWT had its booth at the final conference and organized a workshop about Attracting girls and women to the IT industry. CEPIS handed out the first e-Skills Prize for Digital Competence - Women. The winner was: Anna Voriskova, Czech Republic.
Cyprus: Cyprus Computer Society hosted the national e-Skills Workshop and the International Women's Day event of DG INFSO: 'Women in ICT - the way ahead'
France - the key event of the 'Digital Talents of France' and the e-Skills Week France 2001 took place the 30th March in Paris when the annual 'Excellencia Award' was also handed out organized by Victoya, the founder of the award, and functioning as the French N-PoC of ECWT
Portugal - the Portuguese N-PoC of the ECWT - EWMD Portugal organized one of the biggest megaevents of the entire e-Skils Week with 63.383 visitors of Futuralia 2010 - the Education, Skills and Employent Fair and Conference in Lisabon the 10 March 2010 PT - Portugal Telecom signed the Code of Best Practices for Women and ICT.
Spain - the 24 February Eva Fabry, Director of the ECWT was key-note speaker at the key event of the Spanish e-Skills Week organized by AETIC informing about 'Women in ICT in a European perspective'. AETIC launched also the YouTube DVD 'The Future in your hands' -promoting ICT professions for girls.