"In these difficult economic times, the case for getting more women on company boards has never been stronger. Quotas might be necessary if businesses don't start to voluntarily comply. I would like to see women occupy 30% of supervisory board positions by 2015, and for that figure to rise to 40% by 2020. If self-regulation fails, legislation on quotas may follow."
Viviane Reding Vice President EU Justice Commissioner |
Women who enter ICT careers often drop out or move to a different type of career. Fewer women also make it to the upper management level and this is particularly true for the ICT sector.
A recent analysis by European Research Associates of 161 major European companies found that only 8.9% of the members of their board of directors were women.
An analysis of 150 companies in the telecommunications sector in Europe found that on average 6% of directors were women. About 66% of companies had no women on the board of directors at all.
ECWT's response to the challenge
The ECWT actionplan will be based on the Regional Mapping of stakeholders, resources, research andgood examples that is carried out through the European Directory for Women and ICT supported by the European Commission DG INFSO and launched in October 2009.
The Code of Best Practices signed by Aclatel-Lucent, IMEC, Microsoft, Motorola and Orange FT and presented to Madame Viviane Reding, Commissioner for the Information Society and Media the 3rd of March 2009 has end of 2010 more than 50 signatories and presents a long list of best practices.