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Gender equity policies - a perspective view - New scenarios, actors and articulations


Fifteen years after the Beijing World Conference on Women and 10 years after the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), within a current context of profound and shifting economic, political, social and cultural changes, there is a need for:

Revisiting gender-equity dynamics and policies across the many dimensions of human experience, building upon the lessons we have learnt, their foundation, scope and reach, while we outline future pathways.
Furthering the innovative energy of gender studies while we work towards social change, transforming both policy making and social action.
The aim of the Conference is to provide an environment for brainstorming of innovative approaches. Our goal is to encourage a comprehensive, in-depth exploration of gender-equity and gender-parity policies and institutions in light of challenges and opportunities both for today and the future.
Exchanges and debates will be focused in five thematic axes:

  1. Challenges Posed to Gender Equity Policies by the Globalization Processes
  2. Women, Science and Equitable Development: Analysis and Proposals for a Virtuous Articulation.
  3. Transformations of Gender Relations in the Context of the Economic Crisis: Lessons Learned and Future Projections.
  4. Gender Equality in Constructing the Knowledge Society: Inclusion and Innovation Strategies.
  5. Challenges to Building an Inter-Cultural Dialogue: Women’s Voices and Initiatives.

The Conference consists of: panels with internationally renowned experts in the field of gender studies, working sessions with presenters from several regions, network and group meetings, and cultural activities

Download the preliminary program Draft_Program.pdf


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Published by
ITF, Secretariat

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