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Women and Film in Africa Conference: Overcoming Social Barriers


Women and Film in Africa Conference: Overcoming Social Barriers
Conference organised by the Africa Media Centre, University of Westminster
Date: Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 November 2011
Venue: University of Westminster, Marylebone Campus
35 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5LS
This is a 1st Call for Papers for a conference on the contemporary and historical
role played by women in the film, television and video industries in Africa. From
the Arab North Africa, West Africa, Central and East Africa, through to Southern
Africa, women have emerged from the double oppression of patriarchy and colonialism to become the unsung heroines of the moving image as producers, directors, actresses, script writers, financiers, promoters, marketers and distributors of film, television and video in postcolonial Africa. Sadly, such immense contributions by women are underrepresented, both in industry debates and in academic research.
There are now many cases in which African women in front of and behind the camera have overcome social barriers and yet this is sidelined. This conference invites students, practitioners, academics and researchers to debate how women have contributed to film, television and video markets in Africa from pre-colonial, colonial to postcolonial periods. Existing industry and academic work should also discuss the ways female audiences in Africa have engaged with film, television and video texts. The conference will include a session with leading female filmmakers.

Papers may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following themes:
        * The Influence of Feminism on African filmmakers
        * Women in front and behind the camera in African film
        * Women in the African feature film industry
        * Women in technical roles in film, video and television in Africa
        * Women documentary makers in Africa
        * Gender and Representation of Women in African film
        * Audiences for films by African women/Female audiences in Africa
        * Case histories of leading African women film makers
        * Women scriptwriters
        * African women acting in video, film and television
        * Censorship and the portrayal of African women in film and television
        * The role of NGOs in commissioning women filmmakers and issue-based films
        * How African governments have helped or hindered filmmaking by African     women
The deadline for submission of abstracts is Friday 16 September, 2011. Successful
applicants will be notified by Friday 23 September, 2011. Abstracts should be 200
words long. They must include the title of the conference, presenter's name,
affiliation, email and postal address, together with the title of the paper. Please
ensure when saving your abstract that your name is part of the file name. Please
email your abstract to Helen Cohen, Events Administrator at:

This two day conference will take place on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 November, 2011.
The fee for registration (which applies to all participants, including presenters)
will be £135, with a concessionary rate of £55 for students, to cover all conference
documentation, refreshments and administration costs. Registration will open in
September 2011

New source: ECREA



Published by
Irene, Kamberidou