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Screening Gender

 New Screens, new production contexts, new reception,

new gender constructions?

Conference of the Gender-Studies Section (Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht) of the German Communications Science Association (DGPuK)

Potsdam, 22-24 September 2011.

Call for Papers
Deadline: May 30th  2011

The conference „Screening Gender“ looks at the construction of gender via moving pictures / moving images as we define screen. We know screen can be defined in various contexts, but we will look at screens in the technical definition. Screens can be all technical devices that show moving images, such as the traditional media television and cinema, but also the new media, such as internet /You-Tube or other channels), mobile media (cell phones or subway TV) or computer games. We want to know, how visual representations on various screens lead to new gender constructions and norms.

Possible questions are: How has the audience reacted to the diversification of screens, is there a cross-media gender reception? Has the presentation of gender changed? Can we find a new discourse of doing and undoing gender? Do new production limitations and situations lead to new constructions and deconstructions of gender?

To discuss these aspects we welcome papers to the following topics from all communication and media studies perspectives:
Here we want to look at the production side of moving images. What role do gender constructions play on the side of the (female) producers, artists or journalists –how have these constructions changes through new media and have the productioncontext changed?
2.The moving images: Content and Aesthetics
Has the presentation of gender changed through new screens?
3. Audiences and Reception
How have audiences changed and their reception. Can we see gender specific changes and differences through new screens?
We welcome papers or panels to one of these topics.

The conference language will be mainly in German, with English sections.

Call for Papers
We invite 20-minute papers to discuss these questions in Potsdam.

Please you’re your abstract (4000 to 5000 characters) to June 6th 2011.

We will work with blind review, so please detach your name and your affiliation from the abstract. (Please include a separate title paper with name, affiliation and contact details).

Please send your abstract (*.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, (no PDF!) to: Prof. Dr. Elizabeth
Prommer (

Organisational Team:

  • Head of "Potsdam 2011 - Jahr des Films": Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Prommer, e-mail
  • Institut für künstlerische Forschung an der HFF: Dr. Martina Schuegraf, e-mail
  • Studiengang Medienwissenschaft an der HFF: Prof. Dr. Claudia Wegener, e-mail
  • Fachgruppe „Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht“ in der Deutschen Gesellschaft
    für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft: Dr. Martina Thiele,
    Dr. Tanja Maier, e-mail 
Published by
Irene, Kamberidou