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15 additional services and a European version for Proxima Mobile portal

Since the launch in February 2010 of French portal Proxima Mobile - the first web portal in Europe dedicated to services of general interest made accessible for free via mobile phones - its applications catalogue has been under constant growth. On 24 September 2010, a varied set of fifteen new services covering many aspects of the citizens' daily lives has been presented. Moreover, a European version of Proxima Mobile is now available.

For the general public, 2010 will mark the year of the rise to power of the mobile phones connected to the Internet. It is likewise expected that in December 2010 France will count over 15 million mobile phone surfers. At the end of 2013, the world market of mobile applications should represent €15 billion. The Proxima Mobile portal was launched with the purpose of supporting the community of the French developers, as a pump-priming measure.    

The goal of Proxima Mobile is twofold: on the one hand, to create services that facilitate the daily lives of all citizens and, on the other hand, to promote the strategic ecosystem that the mobile Internet represents for the French economy. The portal comprises services in fields as varied as law, culture, education, employment, consuming, disabilities, health, the elderly, local life, tourism, sustainable development and home help services.

The fifteen services which enlarged the catalogue in September 2010 include: Jaccede Mobile - a collaborative mobile service aimed at people with limited mobility; - a service for the geo-localisation of parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities; Légimobile - the official portal of French law for mobile phones; Infogreffe - search for companies in the commerce register; MobiPOF - official professional orientation & training portal; Métiers d'enVIE -  presentation in text and video format of 80 job sectors; ADELE - a geo-localised service for searching student accommodation; UnivMobile -  'my mobile digital university', the official application of the Paris Ile-de-France Digital University, providing news articles / podcasts and allows the geo-localisation of services; iSommeil - an information and detection service against sleep disorders; Triez Facile - an information service on how to sort rubbish for recycling and a service for geo-localising recycling structures; and several local services for tourists.

Proxima Mobile provides access to 50 applications and services on various mobile platforms. Over 100 mobile services are planned to be made available on Proxima Mobile by the end of 2010.

Among the success stories of Proxima Mobile is the application of the Louvre Museum, one of the most downloaded cultural applications worldwide, with two million users (60 % of which are located in the United States). The mobile service for car-sharing users, Comuto, has proved to be a genuine success at European level; it gathers over 750 000 regular users and was adopted by four countries (Spain, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg). Other applications that have already been downloaded by several hundred thousand users are the Foreign Affairs Ministry's traveler advice service, Culture Clic or the Kidnapping Alert service.

Another mission of the portal consists of helping the Internet actors anticipate change in Internet access modes. Indeed the same platforms will soon be used to develop applications for mobile phones, interactive tablets and connected TVs. It will be possible for the services established on these new platforms to have the Proxima Mobile label.

The second innovation of September 2010 is the launch of the European version of Proxima Mobile: It will make it possible for French businesses to cooperate closer with companies of other Member States of the European Union in order to achieve pan European services in sectors like tourism, transportation, health alerts or sustainable development.

"France and Europe have key assets to become the major actors of mobile Internet. I wish for the first European-level call for projects of Proxima Mobile to be focused on mobile services relating to digital cities." said Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, the State Secretary responsible for the Development of the Digital Economy. This first European call for projects has a €200 000 budget and it will be launched by the Delegation for Internet Usage at the end of October 2010.


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Published by
E-Government, Alapitvány